About PsychTech Inc.
Through the ages, philosophers repeatedly have defined the nature of man as being four-fold. Depending on the prevailing theory of the cosmos, the four-fold nature was seen to be determined by different factors. Some saw the source of temperament to be a combination of the elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Others saw temperament resulting from the combination of the qualities of cool or warm and moist or dry. There were still other philosophers who saw the nature of man to be determined by the amount of certain bodily fluids, blood, phlegm and bile, which generated the “complexion” or temperament of the person. In more recent years, psychologists have looked to clusters of traits or electrical and biochemical characteristics of the neurological system to define temperament.
Today, creating mental models to explain human behavior is more the realm of psychologists than philosophers. The debate rages in professional circles as to whether the models should be models of typology, temperament, traits or personality theory. Another question hotly debated is how many factors describe personality – 4, 5, 16 or 34? However, to the layperson the debate is irrelevant. For most people, types, temperament, traits and personality theory are all talking about the same thing – how and why people behave the way they do.
PsychTech learning solutions are built around psychological assessments.This assessment-based methodology allows the individual to discover their own understanding of their strengths and create the solutions that best fit their situational needs. Dialogue with others builds a shared understanding of individual differences and facilitates the development of action strategies for building on others' strengths and increasing effectiveness, engagement and individual and organizational wellbeing.
Pamela Cole, president of PsychTech, Inc. has spent over 30 years working with clients to create custom learning solutions. She has also spent the past 15 years researching and developing assessments in collaboration with Inscape Publishing, Inc.. In addition to her long-term involvement with Fortune 100 clients, she is author of DiSC® Indra, DiSC® Management Strategies, the Role Behavior Analysis and co-developer of DiSC PPSS. Learn more about Pamela and read her reviews of current books she's reading on LinkedIn.